Thursday 9 May 2013


Okay. So the last few weeks have been utterly horrible. Still no steady work for me of the Piewife so we're still struggling, fighting my way through school work with a dull and blank eyed expression on my face, and generally feeling like digging my brain out of my skull with something blunt and rusty and stamping on it until the dirty fucker gives me some peace. If you've been through shit with depression and anxiety, I guess you know the deal, if not, feel free to call me a lazy whingeing fuck. 

Hopefully on an upswing, and hope therefore to be able to do more this weekend than stare at thing with blood shot eyes in grim silence. At least one update by the end of the weekend I hope?

HAving issues with the file host I was using, switched to an new one someone suggested - - so let's see how this one works out!

Thanks for bearing with me through this shit, guys, your support and patience is hugely appreciated.


  1. I suffer from severe depression (helped by meds) so I can guess what you are going through. Hopefully it's not as bad as the *what's the point of everything?* that I went through while at my lowest...

    Just keep going as you can. I know how frustrating it is trying to find work (going thru that myself)

  2. The Dark Master10 May 2013 at 21:15

    We can't really help you all that much when you just go off the radar entirely. Hang out more often, remember you have some friends around the web.

  3. hang in there man. just keep trying and you will find the steady work you need.
