Thursday 4 April 2013

An all-nighter results in... a crappy card game!

 Man Alive, that took a lot more time and effort than I'd anticipated. Literally been up all night working on it, but I have a working card game done! And I think I finally understand how renpys bafflingly intricate image placement works, AND further card games should be much easier to add. So it was all worthwhile, I hope. It feels like it was right now, anyway. I got the damn thing working and the sun has come up and I am about to eat eggs. My heart is full of joy.

 Spending all that time on the card game means I haven't got the bugs squished yet, so I'm going to try to get rid of all those before I upload a new build.It'll be out sometime later today, and when it is, you'll be able to play a silly card game with a skeevy viking. How's that for a bargin?


  1. The Dark Master4 April 2013 at 01:17

    Here is a small tip when it comes to using graphics. Use as few as possible, and layer things on top of one another rather then making every picture have the frame and other graphics.

  2. Yeah, I should have had the "windowframe" as a seperate image, but I already had it integrated into the bgs of a good dozen or so background by the time I realised that. I guess I could always make a new one that overlayed it... Still, with the graphics being so tiny, I think it'll be okay for file size. They're all drawn "true size" and scaled up by renpy on the fly.

  3. On another note, I am test playing the card game I made now, and am getting baffled by how often I seem to be winning. then I realised I'm not adjusting the odds of getting the bad card as the good cards are drawn. Then I think I shouldn't, then I get confused. I think I've programmed a Monty Hall Problem simulator.

    1. The Dark Master4 April 2013 at 01:45

      Oh hey, you enabled replying and stopped the warning page from coming up every time you post!

      Making a shuffled deck of cards is a common assignment in Software Classes. The first part of doing this is to build a deck, then you need to randomize its contents. This is an application assignment for arrays, swapping data between two variables, and for loops. You could probably google those concepts to find out more if you want, or I could go into greater depth.

  4. MediaFire doesn't seem to work.

  5. I found a mistake - when going from Tench to Gillsport, it told me *you arrive at Tench without incident* - never mind I was going to Gillsport!

    Also noticed something else, occasionally when I read the noticeboard all it shows me is the *this is boring* bit, no job or wanted poster or anything. Is that a mistake? Not too big an issue, just annoying when trying to find work!

    One other thing, when you defeat an opponent, you don't get anything - no shillings, no skills, nothing outside of *you won*. Will you eventually make it to where defeating them results in a tangible reward? (increased skills, money, hot sex maybe?)

    Do keep this up - I LOVE the retro feel and really enjoy playing it!

  6. Bug report - if you try to sell something in Tallis, the game stops because there is no *that's enough for now* button. You can sell the stuff, but there's no way to do anything afterwards

  7. Hey seldompie, nice game,

    can you give me a little information of what to expect in the spooky house, abbey,monastery, crazy village and the school of magic?

    and BTW the pixel houses, pictures how do you make them? they look pretty neat!

  8. Anon1 - it seems to work for me, what errors are you getting?

    Anon2 - There'll definetly be rewards for winning! I'm not that cruel :P Just having "this is boring" would happen if no other notices are "active", but I don't think that should occur, I'll have a look.

    Jaedon - Man, you're right, I really should give more info on the bonus villages. I'll write a thing up now.
    The art I make using Grafx2, a free art program aimed at pixel stufff, but you could really do all the stuff I do in MsPaint, it's pretty much all just line-tool and flood fills! Glad you like it!
