Saturday 6 April 2013

Enemies Bested

 Rarr! Well, re-doing and re-organising the enemy picker and enemy stat lists was a lot more effort than I'd anticipated, and felt like it took for-ever, but it is done. My brain can't stomach the thought of diving straight into re-doing the fight system or changing the time system right now, as those might well prove to be similar trials. Instead, I'm going to tinker with the potion making system I want to have in, and If I make any good headway with that, I'll upload a build with the new enemy picker and that in before calling it a day and getting some sleeps.

 Added a few new enemies while sorting the picker - next build has highway women, cave giantesses and viking ladies to look forward to.

 Hm, I really need to start adding some male enemies...

EDIT - Okay, while messing with setting up the potion editor, I got distracted by a description display thing, and that has led to me fiddlign with a bit of the character chooser. a QUESTION - how detailed would you like the character designer to be? Just broad strokes and have the little things randomized, or pick out every detail such as hairstyle, eye colour etc? I felt it was getting a bit long winded when I first put it in, but now I'm adding little bits like hair length and style, and am now considering beard growth, so it seems likely that some people might want to choose stuff from the start.  maybe give three option "random" "broad strokes" and "fine tune"?


  1. Yes, give os the options. Sometimes I like to be as specific as I can and other times I don't want to know what I'm getting.

  2. I rather go for the fine tune option makes my chars feel more personal, I also got some questions.

    1. Will there be flee and items buttons?
    2. How to lower lust?
    3. Will endurance have any use in combat?
    4. Will there be a option to avoid sex with a gender you don't fancy?
    5. Have you thought about adding herms into the game?
    6. Will we be able to buy weapons and armors?
    7. Will partying be possible?
    8. Will there be some sort of alignment or choice making system?
    9. Will we be able to fight enemies who usually fights in groups by themselves sometimes?

  3. More detailed character maker in the new build! Let me know if you want more details added.

    Tomidomino -
    1. Definetly.
    2. Lose a battle or stay for one night (or more) in an inn
    3. Hmm, possibly!
    4. Maybe! I'll see how easy it'd be to impliment.
    5. It's possible to become a herm, and there'll almost certainly be herm NPC's and enemies, just haven't added any yet.
    6. Probably armour, maybe not weapons.
    7. I was really confused at this one for a second, I thought you were refering to having orgies or something. XD I don't know if you'll be able to travel with a party, probably not. Maybe a few quiet companions, though.
    8.Mmmm, probably not. I prefer to leave it up to the player to choose if what they're doing is good, bad or whatever. I love the idea of alignment type meters, but they never work in the games I've seen, they're just too digital in action to make sense to me.
    You'll probably be able to side with specific factions, and then be the enemy of their enemies.
    9. Sure! Remind me which ones don't turn up solo at the moment?

    1. The Dark Master7 April 2013 at 06:41

      Weapons for this game:
      -Dildos, vibrators, oneholes, anal beads, ect.

    2. For 9, I think only the dwarves and goblins don't show up solo. As of the first build you posted, anyway.

      As for weapons, the game Erotical Nights has similar 'combat' and has a vibrator that fits around the hero's penis, and the main villain has a pair of special textured gloves that amps up her hand attacks.

  4. I like your idea to have different layers of choosing!
