Monday 27 May 2013

Art Day!

Woke up with a cold and that made me want to do art for some reason. Like this prison cell.
I've been wanting to get some prison stuff working so they player can get arrested since I started on this thing.

Any other game areas you think could do with art? Shout them out here and I just might art them. ^_^


  1. Arrested for what?

    1. At the moment I think vagrancy - sleeping rough - is th eonly action the player can take that'd be arrestable, but once I get a few thiefy mini missions in, there'll be that. And I guess the more insular/suspicious/ass-holey towns like Moppet or Tallis would turn against you for looking monstery or consorting with the goblins or wild women or maybe practising magic.

      The idea is that when arrested, if you don't sucessfully resist, you'll be taken to the Cheltenham Correctional Facility where you get a chance to defend yourself, and if you fail you'll be sentenced to however long in prison. I won't make the players play out their full sentence in "real time" but there'll be some in prison events, like having to meet and deal with any criminals you've previously got arrested and stuff. And chances to escape, of course!

  2. Any chance that you will add the ability for futas to work for the House of Ladies Pleasure?

    1. Sure thing! I don't think the HOLP works for *anyone* at the moment though.
      Oh, current build has it fixed so futa's can work in Boff. ^_^

    2. How a bout a lake, river area? chances of meeting otter girls, morphs.

  3. Prison stuff? like dropping the soap and corrupt/lusty wardens and guards?
