Sunday 26 May 2013

New Build - V0.07 (James Bond Edition, I guess)

 Get it from here or the side bar! It has lots of new stuff in it, including this mysterious thing -

 Combat glitching is still NOT fixed, I'm going to try to get that all sorted out today. Right now I need to sleep, 'cause I've been up all night and my brain is all soft and dribbly and cries when I try to make it do complicated stuff. Going to get some sleep and then tackle it. I just wanted to get a build with some new stuff out because it has been a while, and we got a nice sized donation last night - thanks, dude! - and that warrants an update for you guys.

 Stuff that is new in -

* Unique art for every inn! Had fun doing these, and I think they add a lot of character. They make me want to make the barstaff all developed characters too. Some of them are better than others, let me know if I've messed anything up bad on any of them and I will try to fix them up.

 * Rough version of the desert quest is in and working! Can be completed, but there's no monsters to fight on the way, I will add those shortly. And for some reason - I'm putting this down to having been awake all night - I seem to have totally forgot to make it particularly saucy at all. This is a thing I can fix up easily though. You can always add more sauce to a thing. 

 * A load of little bits and bobs, starting to integrate world reactions to player tf's, stuff like that

* I'm sure there was something else major-ish too but I cannot remember what for the life of me.

So, yeah. Let me know what you think, particularly about the main "puzzle" for the desert quest. I am really not sure if it's too easy or too hard, or even if there should be puzzles in a game like this. Or what I mean by a "game like this". I'm going to go sleep.


  1. Seldompie, Your game has potential.
    why don't you add a forum to website so we players can post events and ideas we would like to implement in the game for you?

    and also did you get my email concerning custom characters?

  2. indeed we could all brain storm on ideas for the world. ect...

  3. Email answered!

    A forum could be handy - I often "lose" interesting comments from people in the blog - but I know nothing about setting them up, or which hosts would be suitable for a forum for this game. Anyone have any suggestions for a good free forum server/host/thingy? Anyone set up a forum before?

  4. I've helped admin a new forum though I wasn't the guy who set it up, I forget who the host was though and I didn't fiddle with much, but it was easy enough to work with. I'll look into who we used(definitely free, and if 18+ stuff was banned there they didn't notice our section).

    If your own forums don't work out you could always just make an "official" thread in another forum.

    Fenoxos forum and ulmf seem like the most likely candidates. Not sure about the ToS of either forum since I mostly lurk, but I doubt either community would mind.

    1. Heehee, well, there'a lready threads on ULMF and Fen's forum. I've been looking through some options, and yuku seems like it might be a good goer. Still browsing though.
