Friday 17 May 2013

New Build - V0.06

Okay, so I am hopefully back in the saddle. I feel pretty awful for not having updated this in a month, as well as feeling awful in general, but I'm going to dedicate this weekend to working on the game, and hopefully it will all be awash with awesome.

This update has -

* Beginnings of magic school
* New, more fitting font
* The tundra quest, complete but in a rough form. You can complete it and get the amulet of the north/wind from the snow queen, but it's still kind of rough around the edges. Beefing it up will be part of this weekends work.
* New enemies for the tundra as part of that quest

 So, magic school and tundra quest will be main priorities this weekend, and I'm going to try to start expanding some of the defeat/victory scenes too. Please let me know any complaints/problems/suggestions here!

Thanks for your patience, hope you enjoy the new build, if you can find it in your heart and wallet to support us, please do, rent is due and we are oh so poor and unemployed. All donations of $10 and more get a custom player character added!

1 comment:

  1. So far so good! I was hoping if you could add more text referencing your character if you choose a tiny penis. SPH is my fetish and it would be cool to see that brought out more. Excellent work!
