Sunday 19 May 2013

Hello Fenoxites!

 Rough art for a dour and surly barmaid in Tench. Something seems very wrong with her arm right now. I like her expression of almost pathological disinterest though.

 The awesome lovely Fenoxo of CoC and TiTS was good enough to give us a plug, so we're getting lots of new players! Hello guys, hope you enjoy the game, and please let us know what you think either way.

 There's more info from the link on the side bar, but the game in a nutshell is a exploration RPG with some adult elements, old school pixel graphics, lots of player transformation and a sort of pervasive, casual sense of humour about itself. Dive in and have a play about, and you'll soon get the feel of it.

 The game is still in development, this is an open beta - you cannot currently complete the quest and get back to earth. There's plenty to see and do though - you have around a dozen villages to explore.

 Hope you enjoy it, thanks for playing, let us know what you think! If you do enjoy it, we'd appreciate it if you'd consider throwing some change our way, because times is hard and we is poor. This is the only income we have right now, and as an incentive, if you donate ten bucks or more, I'll add a unique player character build of your choice to the game, selectable from the start. More details here.  If you can't afford to, don't worry about it, we know how it is. Enjoy the game and tell someone else about it, that helps us out too. ^_^


  1. Getting an error when I try to launch it:

    Had the exact same error with MMM.

    1. Hm, that's odd. I *think* this has occured to me when testing it before, but it didn't happen again when I relaunched the program. So I'm not sure what's causing your problem, sorry! Any one else have any ideas? I'm not too tech savvy myself...

  2. What I've played so far looks good, but there are a couple things:
    There was one point where my stats page was starting to overflow off-screen because I had about three TFs at once (Two from eating fruits (endlessly growing cock, antlers), one from losing to one of those mushroom girls). Some way to scroll that page might be useful for when things get really crazy...

    Speaking of the TFs, it'd be nice if they gave you a little notification when they progress. Some little popup with "Your cock feels strange as it grows another inch" or "Your head feels heavier as your horns grow larger" or something. So it doesn't go from "Oh, I have little horns on my head" to "Oh, I have huge antlers" because you don't check your stats page often... >.>

    Also, not sure if bug, but... I'd gotten myself kicked out of prostituting in the swamp town (forgot it's name... <.<), and so moved on. I then got myself kicked out of prostituting in the big city. But after leaving and coming back to the city, I was able to prostitute again. When I stumbled into the swamp town again some time later, I was still banned... Is this discrepancy intentional?

    A couple questions:
    Is pregnancy in the game? Or planned to be? I figure it'd be viable even with realistic gestation periods, since I'd spent almost a year in-game just wandering around aimlessly.

    Is there a guide/wiki for this game anywhere? I'd like to know what exactly all the stats do, and the alchemy system is wonderful, but a little complex to rely on memory for all the combinations you've done and what their results were, even with just two ingredients (AAA, AAB, ABA, BAA, ABB, BAB, BBA, BBB). With three ingredients I know of, and several more I probably don't, this quickly gets out of hand...

    This is a fun little game, and I look forward to seeing how it develops!

    1. For alchemy,I actually got out sheets of paper and wrote down all the combinations and worked my way through them. Also have a sheet with the map on it.

    2. Glad you like the game! And thanks for the feedback, this kind of long form feedback really helps.

      Some really good suggestions, particularily the "tf alert". I'd been fooling aorund with ideas like making hte border flash or a sound play when a tf advances, but I guess a simple in game text message like you suggest would work best. I'd somehow overlooked the obvious solution. ^_^

      Hm, thought I'd fixed it so that all brothel bans were temporary, I'll get that fixed.

      Pregnancy I'm not sure about. I've no problem with pregnancy, just the.. consequences of it. For legal reasons and simplicity's sake, I'd rather just avoid any mention of children existing in the game's world. So I'm not sure how I'd deal with that. If I can find a good work around though, I've no problem with the PC getting pregnant.

      I guess I should start a wiki for the game, there is a fair amount of stuff in it already! As Anon suggested, one of my hopes with this game was to have a game that rewards note taking and map making, like the games I played as a kid - and inspired the graphics of TLL - did.

      Thanks for the feedback!

  3. I'm new to this game and have a question. Is it possible to become a herm.

    1. Yes, look for orange? fruit if female or purple fruit of male. i think.

  4. um.. yes hello but how does one get transformed? i've ran around form places explored lost to the centaur girls and nothing so far..

    1. You get TF's by losing to certain enemies, through eating fruits you sometime find while travelling, through drinking too much of the beer in a certain town, and by potions you can make once you've joined the alchemist guild. I think that's all the ways to get tf'd so far!

    2. AHa! thanks i will try that ^^

  5. I think for that arm you just need to shorten the humerus a bit and make the elbow pointy since her arm is bent and she's skinny. A Tour De France biker would probably be a good reference.
