Wednesday 22 May 2013

Wardrobe Malfunctions and Magic

Okay, been up all night working on things, update soon with the desert quest in in rough form! Two questions before that -

 I was adding a wandering tailor as a random encounter, and realised that I actually know next to nothing about the names and styles of pseudo medieval clothing - or well, not even medieval. The fashions of the Lusty Lands seem to be a little later than that with the highwaymen and all. But anyway, this is a bit of a gap in my knowledge so I'm going to ask you guys - what sort of clothes would you like to be able to wear in the game? Just post some here and if they seem to fit, I'll stick them in. Current clothing slots as head, torso, legs, arms (bracelets etc), feet and "overcoat". And feel free to request any hairstyles or other body mods too, while we're on a fashion bent.

 I've been working on the magic too - trying to come up with a good way of implementing it rather than having just a select spells from a list thing. This is my current idea.
 You'd have three boxes on the screen, each with a letter of the alphabet in it. They all cycle through the alphabet fast, and the player presses return to stop them one at a time. If you spell out the name of a spell, that spell is selected - so, ZAP would be a lightning bolt, for example. This way they player has a chance to accidentally discover or guess at spells, as well as learning them properly. A higher magic - or maybe intelligence - score would make the letters cycle more slowly. I'm not sure if I'd have the spell select mini game directly cast the spells, or if you have to do this in a special room in the magic school, and then "carry" the spell with you until it's time to cast it.
 Does that make sense, and sound like it'd be fun? I wanted to have some sort of little mini game for it. If that made no sense at all, I guess I'll rig up a test version and we'll just see how it plays, but I thought I'd get your feedback before I took the plunge with it, in case any of you guys had a better idea.

Oh, and that image is my go at the seedy Inn in Branston. I think I'm making all the bar staff too ugly for a game like this, but grouchy surly people are fun to draw. ^_^ EDIT - and below is the image for the Inn at the magic school. I think I made this barmaid cuter. I guess it's easier to make witches cute, though. Perhaps.


  1. Indeed the female staff looks kind of....... the bar maid in the previous post looks like Steven Segal, and this one well looks also kind of Jackie Chan wearing a wig. if you could make them more feminine would be nice.

    1. Haha, man, now I want all the women in this game to be played by action movie hero's in drag. XD
      I just added the image for the magic school Inn - did I do any better with the barmaid this time? :P

  2. Slight problem, my country can't access depositfiles. So I can't download.

    1. whoops, sorry about that! I got a very kind offer for a mirror, I'll try to get that sorted out today, and hopefully that will work for you!

  3. The magic system sounds fun.

  4. Love the magic system idea! Just please put some TG/TF spells in there, maybe for some bizarre letter combinations, and not just combat spells, and it'll be awesome ;).

    Keep up the great work!

  5. Hmm.. I hate to rain on this parade, but a slot-system for magic seems like a bad idea... Think about it, even if you're good at slots they'll still not always go as you'd like them to. And very few things aggravate more than having come to the decisive blow in an important battle and than rolling low 3 times, causing you to lose big time.

    Just a thought, but if you want a unique magic system, how does this sound? You need to gather magical energy from different locales (the magic guild supplying 3 common energies, small amounts through skill use in combat and rare ones in odd places) and then mix them for magical effects during combat? Say earth energy+sky energy+metal energy= bolt sword enchantment upon an equipped weapon. (Maybe a heart-attack if unarmed)

    Alternatively, combining letters from a magical alphabet might work too, but you'd need to learn them one at time and be able to cast spells with them depending on character level.

    As for clothes, here's a few ideas:
    -Bark shoes
    -Leaf shoes (made with a big leaf and string)
    -Moose-hide boots (also critter-hide variants)

    -Lacelets (NB: female only, purlease!)
    -Codpiece (NB: male only)

    *PANTS, ETC.*
    -Leggeracks (unsure of spelling here)

    -Toga (NB: not quite as common as in the Roman empire)
    -Doublet (also quilted doublet)

    -Felt hat
    -Feathered hat

    Eh,plenty more, but haven't the time to continue atm...

    1. Whoo, lots of clothing I've never heard of, thanks! You have a good point about the "chancey nature" of the proposed magic system. Maybe it's work better as a way of discovering the spells in the first place, and once you'[ve done that in the lab or whatever, you can call them up when you like.

      The combining magic energies from different places is a good idea, but feels like it'd be real similar to the way the alchemist potions work already, and I wanted something a bit different for this system.

      Thanks for the feedback! I think Leggeracks is my new favorite word.

  6. On the topic of clothing. In the intro you already had the scene that there were already thousands of wooden chairs so I thought, "I am sure the clothing system might actually be more modern, for a higher price since it is rarer." And since somebody already posted mideval type clothing, i am not going to include those (and I am not a fan of mideval clothing).

    I am not saying that the "other" adventurers died but I am sure the tailors duplicated those past adventurers' clothing.

    So here goes:
    Panama hat
    Cowboy hat
    Bowler hat
    Top hat
    Police cap

    Tank top
    Crop top
    Tube top
    Turtle neck
    Halter top
    Dress (ankle length, calf, mid thigh, mini, micro)
    Sport Jacket
    Puffer jacket
    leather jacket
    Pea coat

    Khakis (pants and shorts)
    Pant Suit
    Skirts (hobble, long, pencil, short, mini)
    [might as well add] socks and leggings

    arm guards (idk)

    Boots (ankle, knee, thigh) } also can add heel height (short to tall stilettos)
    Sandals (also add heels)
    sneakers (maybe a one time deal since I dont think they can make rubber soles)
    Combat boots


    Furthermore, I guess you can add color to them also. The clothing sets from MMM can also work.
    P,S, I hope you add some white/light clothing, getting them dirty, muddy, torn seems fun and can be added to the system.

    1. Huh, that's a really good point - I hadn't considered how much of an impact so many "offworlders" arriving would have on the natives. Thanks!

    2. This is a pretty ace avenue you've opened up here - I'm not thinking about what happened to all the other people who were sent here on the chairs. YOu should be able to meet some of them, and find their remains if they died in the wilds, and stuff. That'd be fun.

    3. whoops, NOW thinking, not NOT thinking. :P

    4. Just to be all pedantic: If there are rubber trees, they can no doubt make rubber soles of a sort. It's been a Thing in the west since the early-mid 1700s, but it's been used by locals since before archaic Greece was even a thing.
      Being shown rubber soled footwear via the offworlders, the native Lustinians might attempt to duplicate them. Of course, if there aren't any rubber trees, it's a moot point.

      Nipple rings might be added to the piercing list. They were used by both genders since at least ancient Roman times.
      Pith helmets would be awesome. Perfect for exploration and interaction with the savages.

  7. uhh sir is there more contenent for shroomsters monsters,cause believe it or not....i fall in love with those creatures....rubbing on my body, oh yeah!

    1. so i will appreciate if you can tell me if there is or if youre planning on doing updates for shroomsters, keep up the good work btw

    2. They're sort of the "signature monster" of the swamp, so there'll probably be more shroomster action, yeah. :) There will probably be a shroomster TF, and the mushroom you can grow on your head will probably get weaponised at some point too. ^_^

    3. hell yeah!!!!! cant wait for more shroomster action!!!

  8. You should also include ways for males to increase theif skill (couldn't find in current build but see in the female tribe village accessible only to females) and in general for increasing speed
